Have you Ever Tried Copper River Salmon?

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Have you heard of Copper River Salmon?

Year-round, Chamberlain’s Steak & Chop House takes pride in providing the highest quality meats and fresh seafood near me for our guests. And when Copper River Salmon season rolls around, we get excited about the opportunity to offer this delicious delicacy. Learn more about Copper River Salmon as we anticipate yet another delicious season coming up soon!

When is Copper River Salmon Season?

Copper River Salmon harvest begins in May and runs through around September. At Chamberlain’s, we generally get our first shipment of this incredibly fresh, rich fish at the beginning of June. We’ll keep it going all summer long for fresh seafood near me that you simply can’t enjoy just anywhere!

What Makes Copper River Salmon So Special?

First, let’s start by discussing the life cycle of a salmon. Salmon are an anadromous fish, meaning they are born in freshwater – travel to the ocean as adults – then head back to the freshwater where they were born to respawn. This journey requires sufficient energy stores and strong muscle density. 

Now – to hone in on Copper River Salmon. These salmon come from the Copper River in southern Alaska. The river is 300 miles of treacherous, ice cold waters full of glaciers! Not to mention, the elevation drops 3,600 feet along the route. The result is one of the fastest flowing rivers in the country! This river is perilous for fish, and yet, each year they travel it to get back to their freshwater roots. Copper River Salmon stands out because they must have sufficient fat stores to make this unique journey. That added fat creates a richness in flavor and a deep, silky flavor, unlike any other salmon. Often these fish get all of their nutrients during their time in the ocean, then eat very little along the actual migration back to freshwater. 

What Types of Salmon are in the Copper River?

The Copper River is home to a variety of salmon species. The Wild Alaskan King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, and Coho Salmon each live and breed in this area. During the Copper River Salmon season, these various types of fresh seafood near me will be caught during their migration. While their availability varies year-to-year, typically you will find King Salmon from May-June, Sockeye Salmon from May-August, and Coho from July-September. 

Stay Tuned for Copper River Salmon at Chamberlain’s Steak & Chop House!

Last year, we were able to get Copper River Salmon the first week of June! Stay tuned to our social media sites to learn more about when these delicious fish will be hitting the restaurant this year. Our team at Chamberlain’s Steak & Chop House can’t wait to enjoy the rich, nutty flavor of Copper River Salmon.