Steak & Red Wine: Why Does it Work?

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You have to be under a rock to not to know that the best wine to have with a steak is a rich, bold red wine. But why? Why does this delicious combination work so well? In truth, we’ve done some digging and there’s a science to the flavor combination. Read on to learn more from Chamberlain’s Steak & Chop House – the best steakhouse near me!

Why Does Steak & Red Wine Pair So Well?

It all starts with tannins.

Tannins develop from the skin of the grape, grape seeds, and stems during the fermentation process. These tannins add that “bite” to the wine, particularly noticeable in younger, less aged wines. Tannins give the wine a dry, astringency. Steak, on the other hand, is fatty and rich. As you drink red wine with your steak, the tannins in the red wine interact with the fat in the meat. Those tannins begin to break down the fat, releasing flavor from the meat with each sip, Essentially, it’s the balance between the dry wine and the rich, fatty meat that makes them pair oh so well. 

Here’s another reason – and it’s all about health. Red wine is high in antioxidants and research has shown that drinking red wine can actually prevent cholesterol buildup in your arteries. So drinking red wine with your steak may prevent the bad cholesterol from taking hold in your body and compromising your blood vessels.  


Do Different Cuts of Steak Work Better with Different Wines?


Again, think about the fat content of the meat and plan accordingly. The red wine to pair is often a matter of personal choice, but there are some that just work better with various cuts. If you’re enjoying a ribeye or porterhouse, consider a stronger red like a Malbec. A California Zinfandel can also be an excellent choice. And of course, when in doubt, go with a Cabernet. Cabernets work well with just about any steak, as the steak will make the wine more smooth – and the wine will make the steak taste even richer. 


Ready to Enjoy a Wonderful Red Wine & Steak Dinner?

Chamberlain’s Steak & Chop House is open for curbside pickup! Call us today to place your order or you can order online! As the best steakhouse near me in Dallas, Texas, Chamberlain’s Steak & Chop House is cooking up amazing dinners for your family at home. We have full menu of appetizers, salads, soups, entrees, sides, and desserts. There are 8 different steaks on the menu! Plus – we’re offering many wine specials to go with your order. Check us out on social media daily to find out what we’re offering!


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